For me , Photography :

Is not a technical process
Is not capturing the views
Is not a business

Photography is :

My favorite language to talk to and listen to… A unique way to pass through different nationalities… and listen to their stories.. capturing deepest feelings of the nature…talking to the dusts and mountains…playing hide and sick with the shadows….communicating with the lights…. going to the parties of different colors and dancing with the music of spirits… Each photo is telling us many endless stories… even about the pains.. sadness.. War..Or.. Peace…From the old time on the cave walls ,images keep the truth inside up to now . Using all modern technology, I wish we all keep the truth inside the images safe and secure….

Homeira Yaseri


• Photography
Documentary _ Landscape _ Conceptual _Portraiture _ Street _ Aerial & Architectural _ Candid & Fashion

• Graphics
Logo _ Poster _ cards and …

• Editing
Videos and Images

• Filming
Short movies , Long movies , Footage , Trailer



تدوین ، تیزر ، لوگو ، پوستر ، تدوین صدا ، تصحیح رنگ برای فیلم “تنها نخواهم ماند ” به کارگردانی خانم مینا غرقی

Movie editing, movie teaser, movie and poster logo, poster design, movie sound editing, and movie color correction for “I Will Not Stay Alone,” directed by Mina Ghoroghi.


عکاسی پشت صحنه فیلم نقطه وشیر به کارگردانی خانم سروناز علم بیگی

BTS photography of ” Cypher and Lion ” directed by Sarvnaz Alambeigi.


تدوین ، تیزر ، لوگو ، پوستر ، انتخاب آهنگ برای فیلم “قرص نقره ای ” به کارگردانی خانم نوشا سعیدی

Movie editing, movie teaser, Movie logo, poster design and song selection for the film “Silver Pill,” directed by Nousha Saidi.


عکاسی پشت صحنه فیلم هزار و یک شب به کارگردانی خانم سروناز علم بیگی

Movie logo design & poster design for ” I will dance again ” ,directed by Nousha Saidi.


طراحی لوگو و پوستر برای فیلم “دوباره می رقصم ” به کارگردانی خانم نوشا سعیدی

Movie logo design & poster design for ” I will dance again ” ,directed by Nousha Saidi.


طراحی لوگو برای ” نوشا فیلم”

Logo design for ” Nousha Film “


به کارگردانی خانم نوشا سعیدی ” Female Signs”  طراحی لوگو و ساخت تیزر برای فیلم  

Movie logo design and movie teaser for the film ” Female Signs “, directed by Nousha Saidi

©Homeira Yaseri